


Benefits of Choosing a Vanpool Commute

A group of 7 to 15 people who commute together in a minivan or passenger van. Vanpools generally work best and provide the greatest savings for groups that have commutes of at least 20 miles each way.

Save $270/Month

Vanpool Fares are Tax Deductible

52 Minutes/Day

Get Your "Me" Time Back. 
Average national commute time
source: U.S. Census

7,667 lbs

Annual Total Pollution Savings For Every Vanpool (based on a 20-Mile Commute)

Increase Parking

Every vanpool commuter = One Less Car

Getting Started in a Vanpool

Together with our leasing provider, we can help you:
  • Find a qualified primary driver and a designated backup driver
  • Advertise for and enroll participants
  • Determine the basic vanpool route, pick-up and drop-off times, and convenient meeting places, such as Park and Ride lots or shopping centers
  • We will even take the guess work out of budgeting by estimating monthly vanpool expenses
We can also help find replacement riders—the van provider will even cover any added costs associated with an empty seat for up to three months!
Customized to You
✓ Find matches near your home, along your route or the nearest park-n-ride
✓ Adjust your work hours and flexibility
✓ Search entire database or only with others from your location

Search for Vanpool Groups with Commute Match

Commute Match is a flexible tool that helps you to design a commute that best meets your needs and schedule. Find others who live and work nearby that also want to share the ride to work. Search for carpool partners, vanpool groups, nearby park-n-rides, bike buddies, as well as see the best routes for using public transit and biking to work.
Visit Commute Match

Vanpool FAQs

  • Why choose vanpooling?

    Especially today, riding in a vanpool can save you a significant amount on commuting costs. It is a comfortable way to travel and it provides lots of room for passengers. If you’d prefer not to drive, and you live in an area that’s not immediately accessible by mass transit, a vanpool is a great solution.

  • How many people are usually in a vanpool van?

    It used to be that a vanpool was comprised of anywhere from 7 to 15 people. Today, Commute with Enterprise offers vanpool vehicles for groups as low as four commuters. Remember that vans can vary in size, based on occupancy.

  • Can I join an existing vanpool?

    Yes, confirm in advance that the vanpool is going a similar route. Get starting right away by registering online now to see what’s available. If there’s an existing vanpool, you will see it listed.

  • How does eCommuter form vanpools?

    We first run ridematch reports and we map out the results to see if there are enough interested people in a given area. If there are, we then notify you. Next, if the group is interested it, we will coordinate a meeting with the group the van provider to go over the leasing and all other details.

  • Who decides on participants involved and stops to be taken?

    The group collectively must reach a consensus on exactly who is joining. TransAction eCommuter will help you out to identify possible stops. The group eventually decides which stops will be the most convenient for those involved.

  • What is the cost involved to vanpool?

    Typically, the monthly cost for leasing a van starts at around $1,000. It is based upon the number of riders and mileage. The full cost is divided among the riders.

  • That sounds great, but am I committed to a vanpool once I join?

    You should only join a vanpool if you plan to be in it for a while. However, if you’re not happy, you’re not obligated to stay. The vanpool company will often cover the cost for an empty seat for three months.

  • Is the van insured?

    Yes. Vans normally have full coverage. All maintenance and repairs are covered, as well.

  • Do vanpoolers have to work at the same company?

    No. We match commuters from neighboring companies to ensure that each van has the maximum number of riders.

  • Will my costs go up if someone leaves the vanpool?

    Not unless there’s an empty seat for more than 3 months.

  • What if I have to work late or have an emergency?

    First, notify the vanpool driver that you won’t be able to travel with your group. It’s important to do this right away. You can take a cab home and get fully reimbursed through the Emergency Ride Home program (limitations apply).

Green Commuters, Enroll Today!


Sponsored by your employer, residential property, or Transportation Management Association (TMA), ERH is provided to encourage commuters to leave their cars at home and use a less-polluting commute method. It ensures that if there is an emergency during the workweek, green commuters will not be left stranded at work.

In the event of an emergency, transportation is provided by Lyft™, taxi or Enterprise Rent-A-Car® — usually within thirty minutes — and at no cost to the participant.
Learn More
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